Saturday, 2 November 2013

Tuning In - of Unit Materials

 Provocation to the unit

To initiate the unit the students were divided in groups and they had to collect materials from different areas of the  school campus. Later they sorted  them into categories like natural, man made, naturally useful, man made usuable etc . This was followed by a brainstorming session on the same.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Talk Show on Factors that contribute to Wellbeing

Formative Assessment :- Talk Show on Factors that contribute  

                                          to wellbeing 

Group Members : Vedanshi , Rudranjali, Albane, Krish, Jagat

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Group Members : Manya , Utshaa, Vyom, Dharmendra, Zeel

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Group Members : Sia, Lakshya, Vishaal, Vyom, Vidya, Prinal, Soven


Group Members : Sagarika, Amaara, Soham, Manav, Khushi

Group Members : Rishi, Saloni, Parisa, Devbrat, Heer

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Tuning In- Changes

Students were shown a video cliping as a provocation about how changes happen. They discussed their understanding of 'Changes' they go through.

Students sorted out all the the physical,social, intellectual and emotional changes they have undergone. Every child  pasted their own picture on  a coloured sheet  and exhibited  their physical and mental changes.

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Summative Assessment ( Civilisation)- Booklet on big ideas of the past

Summative Assessment --- Booklet (Individual  activity)

For the past few weeks the students have explored few ancient civilizations and learned about the different features of the civilizations and their achievements . They recognized that the contributions of these civilizations have improved our lives and our societies in a better way. Each student had to choose few big ideas of the past that have made a remarkable change in our lives.